Content strategists: one gold tip to track if you are being noticed

There is a tool that I like to use for different purposes, as a writer, public relations professional or marketer.

I first use this tool when I am filtering what I’m going to blog about, especially when I’m out of ideas or I have so many in mind that I can pick only one, then I go to to see what it is trend on social media and blogs.
Wait, there is more.

The greatest value I found on goes beyond tracking keywords to see what people are talking about. Using you can see WHAT and WHERE people are talking about you, your business or brand. Basically,you can track if someone is mentioning you online. For companies striving to get “earned” media, which means publicity that you did not pay for (could be an article, interview about you or mentioning you, etc), it is great to see that they are mentioning you out there. and if it is a negative mention, by that I mean, they are talking bad about you, tracking these in advance gives you some time to come up with some public relations strategies that can change the perspective about you.

In the past, many companies used to hire someone to do the clipping job, well, they still do, (clipping is when they search on traditional and social media to see if your brand or name is mentioned somewhere). Now, this free tool helps a lot to do this clipping search online. So, that is my gold tip for today. Stay awesome!

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